Saturday, December 22, 2012

1.4.6 installed on StantonCraft

I was wondering why it was taking Bukkit so long to release a build for 1.4.5.  I saw on Twitter that 1.4.6 was going to be released soon, but I didn't realize it was going full release THIS soon.

Bukkit's on the ball this time.  They already have a Beta version for 1.4.6 released!

StantonCraft is running 1.4.6 now.  There are some errors popping up on server load so let me know if you run into any unexpected behavior.

BTW, I tried an experiment giving a couple users access to their own world and being admins on that world, but the experiment failed.  I need to get a more defnitive list of permissions and make sure I can take away commands like '/op' and '/ban'.  Sad face.

There's another issue where a user with creative in Notnats moves to another world they get to keep creative... and in fact can't switch out of it.  I really want 'world' to be a survival only server, with no creative powers, so if you jump over to that 'world' do me a favor and don't go all creative all over the place.. :)  That's what Notnats is for.


As always our server is:

Sunday, November 18, 2012

1.4.5 (well, 1.4.4) update

Wow, has anyone else gone to look at the update notes for version 1.4.4?  They're massive!

I was wondering why I wasn't setting anyone logging into the server.  I'm hoping this was the reason.  The good news is since it's local there are no plans for taking it down due to lack of activity, at all.

Remember we have multiple worlds now, and if you want a new world let me know, I can make it happen.  Just need to know the name, and maybe the seed you want.

There has been a bit of griefing lately that makes me sad.  Don't touch anyone else's builds.  Remember, since we only have a handful of users I can probably track it down.  We have anti-flame spreading options turned on but as long as we have creative mode it will be possible for someone to 'unbuild' your creations.

We're upgraded now, so everyone can log in with the latest client.

We have a Development Build of Bukkit running, so if you notice any bugs just be patient, they should be resolved as the build gets more stable.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Bukkit has updated to a beta version 1.4.2R0.2 and that has been installed on the server.

Installed MultiWorld on the server over the weekend so that we can have BOTH the new map and the old map on the server at the same time.

During all this transition we do seem to have had some issues with the permissions.  I think I have it fixed so that the MultiWorld commands are available to everyone on both servers, but if anyone has problems just send me a /mail in-game (mail it to Zego).

The commands are /mw list, and /mw goto <world>.  The two worlds we have right now are Notnats (the old world) and world, which is the new 1.4.2 map.  If everything goes well we can have more worlds.  Just let me know.  We might move to one creative map, and then legit maps, but that won't change for a while.

Monday, September 24, 2012


Our server is now running both a Bukkit version (running on the default port, and a Tekkit version.  To connect to the Tekkit server connect to

In order to connect to the Tekkit version you need to download the Tekkit launcher, from  Click on the green button on the right side that says "Download the Technic Launcher".

Download it, and run it and it will run the launcher.   Just like the Windows version of Minecraft you can put it anywhere on your computer.  It does not make its own icons, so once you put it in a folder you'll need to create a shortcut for your desktop or start menu.  Or just download it to your desktop.

This launcher will allow you to choose between the different versions that going between servers that are using the latest code (like the Bukkit server) and the servers that are using legacy (older) code, like the Tekkit mods.

When the launcher runs there is a dropdown box in the upper left corner of the launcher.  Click the down arrow to cycle through the different versions you can run.  To connect to our Tekkit server choose the 'Tekkit' option.  To connect to  our Bukkit server, choose the 'Vanilla' option.

I have not yet tried to get Misa's texture pack working with the option to run 'Vanilla' minecraft through the Technic launcher.  Since it copies and modifies the minecraft.jar in order to get it to run with a Tekkit server, and Misa's needs a modified minecraft.jar file I'm not sure if it can be done, but I will look into it and post instructions if I figure it out.

BTW, there will be no creative mode or ops in Tekkit, at all.

And spawn is right next to a volcano.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Welcome to your new old home!

We've moved!  We're now running on a server housed on our local network, so we don't have to worry about memory, or hosting, or any of that stuff that cost money.  We have plenty of bandwidth, and a powerful enough server.

You can still connect the same way as before.  Let me know of any problems.

Hopefully it is rather undetectable except for the ... lack of reliability that it has had lately.  It's the same map as always.

In moving it over I've been trying to remove some of the error messages that happen that I really didn't have an easy way to do while it was on the hosted server.  Not that it will make much difference playing on the server... but I'm happier that the startup is cleaner, anyway.

I've been trying to get a Tekkit installation to work, but it continually refuses connections.  I really want to play on a Tekkit world from the beginning.  It's still a work in progress.  I'll announce it when it's ready.

Edit: Okay, I figured it out.  Tekkit is built on 1.2.5, and I'm trying to connect with a 1.3.2 client, duh.  Now where did I leave that 1.2.5 jar file...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

What?! Another Minecraft Release? Minecraft 1.3.2 ...

BREAKING NEWS!  --- You can log in with 1.3.2!  It doesn't kick you out!  This is very good news.

Yes, there is yet another Minecraft release.  Sometime between this morning when I logged in and this afternoon Mojang shipped another Minecraft release.

It is a pretty small release with only 3 items on it:

Minecraft 1.3.2
+ Added sideways logs in trees 
* Fixed a bug that caused players to fall out of the world when going into the Nether 
* Fixed a bug that caused random suffocation damage in water

I guess they determined that these were imporant enough to kick out immediately, especially the bug squashes.  Although it makes me nervous that they left Herobrine in.

But this means the usual problems with multi-player.  Can't upgrade it until we get a Bukkit version.  Something tells me that Bukkit will just be ported over to this new version fairly quick due to the low number of changes that really didn't affect any big portions of gameplay, but yet, we must still wait.

If you want to play on the server, you'll need to keep your install at 1.3.1.  If you upgrade to 1.3.2 you will download another minecraft.jar, so you will need to run MCPatcher again if you're using more detailed texture packs.

I'll keep an eye on it and keep you updated.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Upcoming ... in Minecraft

Dinnerbone tweeted some pictures today about what will be upcoming in future Minecraft updates.

: Gentlemen, prepare yourselves and choose your weapon ( for tonight, we go to war (

And Jeb_ contributed:

Friday, August 10, 2012

Map Update!

I'm uploading a new version of our map right NOW.  Which means it'll be available tomorrow morning, probably (it is quite huge).

There are a lot of new constructions around, and some people have been very curious, and exploring far and wide.

See if you can find your favorite building on the map.. :)  Or a new place to discover!

The link to the map is:

Edit:  Oh yeah, this is going to take a while.  This is at about midnight:

Still 57,374 files to go... but 63,655 have been uploaded.. Like I said... it's a big map.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Map's Back

Our map is back.  The one that has everything built up.

However, I did lose the warps.. :/   Turns out they're kept in a directory I didn't expect when I was trying to get the temporary map running.

If you need a warp, /mail me the coordinates.  With 1.3.1 you can port to coordinates now, so they should be easy to set up once you find the places again.

I added some of the warps back that I remembered.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Server is up - With Temporary Map

I couldn't get Bukkit and Essentials to play nice together.  And I think I may have lost our warps from our main map in the process.

Since I don't want to run our main map without the typical permissions, and protection from accidental creeper griefing I've loaded our old friend the temporary map back onto the server.

This is the same temporary map that we used the last time we were in this type of a situation, so there are buildings around.

There are NO protections on this map.  Build whatever you want, but remember this is a fleeting world.

There is also NO creative mode on this map, either.  This is pure survival.

We'll get the awesome map back online as soon as it can be adequately protected.   Until then, have fun with 1.3.1!

Minecraft 1.3.1 is NOT running on the server!

Okay, the title used to be Minecraft 1.3.1 is now running on the server, but I had to change it.

But we are using a development build for Bukkit.  What's that mean?  Oh, maybe some things don't work exactly the way they did.

If something is different than the way it used to work, just chalk it up to the fact that it's a new version and things are changing.  I won't be able to 'fix' those kinds of things.

Hopefully it will be mostly stable.  Yay!  Sideways logs!

Update: Yeah, there are some errors during load, so some stuff is probably not going to work but it might just be EssentialsChat.

Update #2: Here is the new MCPatcher:

Update #3: Here is the new Misa's Texture Pack (which is the one I use):

Update #4: Had a slight problem chopping trees... trying to get the latest dev builds installed to try to fix that.  If you login, chop a tree and get disconnected that is why.

Update #5: This is crashing more than Charlie Brown's kite.  Very unstable build.  I'll work on it more later today.  Sorry for jumping the gun on this.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

DON'T UPGRADE (if you want to connect to multiplayer)

There's nothing more exciting than Minecraft update day!  Except when you want to go play the new update with your friends... :(

But it takes a while for all the plug-ins that we have installed to get updated and verified to work with the latest version.  If you upgrade, you won't be able to connect to StantonCraft until those are updated.

Keep an eye out here.  We'll let you know when it's ready.

Friday, July 27, 2012

New Warp: Archery Range

Zego stood back examining the handiwork of his new wall.  "It's fair, but it needs something.  Aha!  A pine wood beam right across there would be perfect."  Expectantly he turned and looked at the forest behind him.  Tree, tree, tree, birch.  No pine tree.  He set off, deeper into the forest.

He ran through the trees, looking for a pine tree that he could harvest and replant, and almost didn't see that vertical cavern plunging deep into the ground.  No bottom was in sight.  Some black spots on one of the walls hinted at the presence of some precious coal, and he quickly pulled out his pickaxe and set to work.  Zego diligently worked on removing the coal from the cavern wall and wasn't paying any attention to the moaning sounds coming from behind him.  The zombies took advantage of his distraction and gave Zego a firm push, right into the vertical cavern, and then jumped after him.

The ledge was just barely big enough for the three of them, but Zego was able to draw his magical sword and dispatch them in quick strokes with glints and gleams of magic flashing the air, leaving nothing but a pile of zombie flesh upon the ground.  After a brief rest and a snack, Zego set about digging himself off of the wall.

He reached the top of the pit just as the sun was coming over the flat horizon of water in the distance and a gleam caught his eye.  "A roof?  I don't remember a building in this direction!"

Curious, he set out.  The pitched roof soon was quite visible, and as he drew nearer Zego realized the size of the place.  It was huge!  Who built this?  The concrete blocks of the wall were struck through with a vein of obsidian, and supported vertically with barked pine logs.  The roof was made from rough-hewn pine logs as well, but tremendous glass triangles let in the sun to light the interior.

Circling the building Zego let out a slow whistle.  It was built on the shores of a swamp, and the entrance was facing the water on a narrow brick walkway.  He approached the wide welcoming entrance that had no doors and read the sign above it:

To the

This place is really cool.  It's an archery range with raising and lowering targets.  I made a new warp for it called "ArcheryRange".  Maybe it should be named ArchersGuild... but check it out on our server!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


We had a small problem with the server there for a little while, but it's back.  It is 100% back.

We had FIVE people on AT THE SAME TIME tonight!  Woo woo!  Gotta love that.

I'm currently going through a renovation (where's the spell check on this thing) of my chasm.  Look for a massive looking thing growing there over the next couple months.

Remember one of our most major rules on the server is GET ALONG!  We're all human and sometimes humans tend to get a little miffed at each other from time to time but do not let your miffed-ness to make you start to break the rules... like breaking other people's stuff.  This is NOT ALLOWED.  Don't do it.  Even when you are mad.

There is a MAIL command that you can use on the server in order to send me, Zego, important stuff.  It works like this:

/mail send Zego Hi there!  I'm so happy that I can play Minecraft!

Whaaat?  It's that easy?  Yes!

Everything after 'Zego' on that line will be sent to me in a message.  And as soon as I log in I will be told that I have mail waiting, and I'll read it.

I do monitor the logs, so I usually can find out quite a bit about what is going on regarding any disagreements that happen.

Always error on the side of happiness!  If you have creative mode, and someone is missing something, please make it for them.  The restriction on the server of creative mode is not to prevent someone from having a stack of stone, or 4 diamond, but to prevent towers reaching into the sky made of diamond blocks or something else rare enough that you wouldn't be able to make a tower into the sky made out of it no matter how long you mined.

Rare stuff should stay as rare as you find it.  Even though iron is fairly common, a tower into the sky of iron blocks is against the spirit of the rules, too.

Common stuff... like wood, planks, dirt, stone, cobblestone... well, whatever. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

Incoming! Multiverse 2!

I'm loading up a multiverse plugin on the server so that we can have multiple worlds.

We can even have different permissions on different worlds, so if you want a world where you have the power of Admin, then we can do that!

I'm still working out the snags... like the fact that whenever a new world is created it is created with nobody having any permissions at all, so configuring any worlds are manual.

I've created a world called NewWorld just for test.  I'll probably delete it, so don't go crazy there.

You can also get to the Temporary world we used between upgrades before, but the spawn doesn't really put you anywhere close to where we were that I can tell.  I've not explored a whole lot.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Minecraft 1.2.5 - Go ahead and upgrade!

When I first saw that Minecraft 1.2.5 was released today I groaned.  Not again... not again so quickly!

Loyally I go out to the Bukkit site... and what is this?  They have a recommended build for 1.2.5 already!

I changed the server login to use the latest Bukkit Recommended Build and it went immediately to 1.2.5 with the latest recommended build of Bukkit!  Quite amazing when technology actually works.

Feel free to upgrade, knowing that when you do you'll have to repatch Minecraft with MCPatcher if you're using the Misa's texture pack.  Looks to me like MCPatcher 2.3.5 still works with the latest version, so you should already have it downloaded.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dedicated IP Address!

Wondering why you can't access your FAVORITE Minecraft server?

Funny thing... when I first ordered the service I said that we wanted a static IP address.

They said, "We're out."

I said "Oh, okay, let me know when you get one."

They said, "Okay."

They didn't.

I'm looking at the account today and I noticed that we're still getting charged for it even though our server is STILL having to connect on port 25640 (that's the 25640 at the end of

I sent them a note saying, "Hey, how come I'm getting charged for this when we don't have a static IP?"

I was expecting them to be changing my billing amount.

Instead, they changed the IP address of the server.  Doh!

By the time you read this the address will be: (nothing else).

The new IP address is actually

See you there!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Now with 1.2.4 goodness!

Multicraft (our server host) has finally updated the server versions for the server so now we're running 1.2.4 with the latest development build of Bukkit. It's automatic! No longer do I have to watch the Bukkit servers/forums for the latest versions... we automagically get them!

Wow, that's pretty awesome.

There's another pretty awesome I can't wait to use:

FOUR kinds of wood planks!

Anyone using Misa's will of course have to patch and download Misa 412 texture pack.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Downgrading to 1.2.3

Here is the file for 1.2.3.

Place this is your c:\users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin directory and rename it minecraft.jar in order to return to version 1.2.3.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Beautiful Sunsets

Village in progress

Dat's a lotta golems

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Latest Builds

One of the things I want to do with this blog is highlight builds that people are doing, so if you have a build that you want on this blog let me know.  We'll get some good screenshots of them and post them up here.

This is a Tudor-inspired street next to the theater.  It is about 95% legit, mostly from lumber and such harvested by Wickie and Gofastmikex in abandoned mines.

Sometimes I had to fly around and place blocks for the gabling and roofs, which is why I say 95%.

There is still a lot of work to be done inside the houses and around back, but come take a look!

Theater Street

Theater Street

Monday, March 5, 2012

StantonCraft is now running 1.2.3!

MultiCraft released the 1.2 server binary this weekend, so we upgraded to a temporary map while waiting on a Bukkit release.  We uploaded the Beta release to the server but didn't see an immediate way to run it.

This morning while doing the usual checks the Beta release was selectable, so we're now running Minecraft 1.2 server along with Bukkit!  We reverted back to our developed map, too.

Current issues:

  • Creeper damage is back.. :(  We're looking for ways to go back to the AntiCreeper days of no damage... while afk a creeper snuck in and blew me up in my /home, so believe me it is a priority.
  • Groups were lost... so we're recreating the group permissions (ProBuilder, to be specific).  This will take some testing, so if you have any issues let us know.  
Fixed both issues.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Temporary World for 1.2 Loaded

We're still waiting on all the mods and plugins to come out with their official versions.  I tried loading the current Beta versions, but our server provider doesn't let me do that.  They must only add it to their system once it is a recommended build (a recommended build is an 'official' version by the developers).

So in the meantime I went ahead and created a temporary world on the server, and have it running 1.2.  I don't want our normal world to run unprotected.


Friday, March 2, 2012

Server 1.2 is out, but....

But Bukkit does not have a recommended build for 1.2 yet so we can't upgrade the server.

They are submitting a lot of builds so it is obvious they are working very hard on getting a new Bukkit and Essentials out as soon as possible.

Some of the plugins may not be available right away.  Some of the plugins that I'm going to wait for updates to install back on the server are:

  • ChopTree - Some folks won't mind if that never makes it back onto the server, but it sure was nice for harvesting wood.
  • AntiCreeper - this is a hard one, because I really like the idea of creepers not blowing up our hard work.  There are other, similar plugins and I'll find one with similar capabilities that is updated.
  • FireLord - I'm not sure if this is going to be updated or not.  I really hope it is because I like the extra benefits for gold items.

We can count on Essentials being updated, and LWC should be updated as well.  Not all of you can see it but VoxelSniper has also been installed on the server and I expect that will be updated, too.

By the way, Bukkit has become part of Mojang.  This means that they are going to be able to work very closely together and hopefully this lag between the Minecraft server update and the Bukkit updates will get smaller and smaller.

Stay tuned!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Misa's Textures

Looks like Misa updated her texture pack in time for 1.2.  Information can be found here:

But you have to download the new MCPatcher first, which is here:

Try to use the links, since they get paid for those downloads, and we all appreciate their work.

1.2 is out!!

Awesome!  Minecraft version 1.2 is out!

What this means for StantonCraft is .... if you upgrade you won't be able to connect to the server until all of our plugins and Bukkit is updated.  This is Boo.

So don't update if you still want to play on the server.  If you've already updated and you really want to play online you'll have to revert back to 1.1 to play.

1. Find your minecraft.jar file.  It's usually in c:\users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin.  Replace <your username> with whatever Windows says on your login screen.
2. Copy it to a new name, like 'minecraft-1.2.jar'
3. Download the 1.1 jar here. Be sure that if you are asked for a location to download it to, you choose the path in #1.  If it automatically goes to your Downloads folder, just copy it into the folder above.
4. Before you run minecraft, copy this new minecraft.jar file to the name minecraft-1.1.jar.

And you're set!  If you want to play 1.2, just go into that directory, delete minecraft.jar and copy minecraft-1.2.jar as minecraft.jar.  Whatever version you want to play you have to copy that version to minecraft.jar.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bad News Regarding Mods

Two mods have been requested:

1. More Explosives Mod : Reviewed by Yogscast here:

It's really odd that every time I see that video the opening ad shows the Twin Towers exploding on 9/11.  That really doesn't seem all that appropriate... :)

Unfortunately... it needs ModLoader to run, and only runs in Single Player.

2. Zeppelin Mod : Reviewed by Yogscast here:

The Airship Mod, like the Explosives mod requires Single Player to run... no SMP.

So neither of these mods can make it to the server.  Sorry!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I've added LWC that will allow locked chest the next time the server restarts.

Here is a link to the commands:

CommandAlias ofNotes
/cpublic/lwc -create public
/cpassword <Password>/lwc -create password <Password>
/cprivate/lwc -create privateThe optional arguments can also be used
/cunlock <Password>/lwc -unlock <Password>
/cinfo/lwc -info
/cremove/lwc -remove protection
/cmodify <Groups/Users>/lwc -m <Groups/Users>
/climits/lwc -info limits
Zego's Tower

No More Ops!

We've been working over the past few days to eliminate the need for ops.  Since we have Bukkit installed we can use the powerful GroupManager to control exactly what commands each group has access to run.

This will allow those folks that want to be in creative to be able to use creative without gaining access to all the more powerful commands, like kick, and ban.

This will also allow the adults to be able to moderate and take action when necessary to control unruly folks.  We've created a couple jails for that reason.  We're not going to be THAT strict, just remember that if you don't listen or break the rules you may wake up in jail.  Banning is a last resort.

We've already implemented the ProBuilder class.  This is for players who have been hanging around us for a while and have built some great buildings.  We've already added some folks to that class.

Welcome to the StantonCraft Blog

This is going to be the new blog for the StantonCraft Minecraft server.  Some quick links:

Minecraft server:
