Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Where Have We Been? Feeding the Beast!

First news first... Minecraft 1.5 has been released this morning!

Of course the server won't have it until Bukkit is updated.  So if you want to play on the Bukkit server, do NOT auto-update.

I've not been on our Bukkit server in a few weeks.  The main reason for this is that we have a new Feed The Beast server running and I have been completely absorbed in that.

You can download the Feed-The-Beast launcher from

The address is:

I'll let you know when our Bukkit Server has been updated.  I'm not even sure if we're on the latest Bukkit build over there, actually.  I'll check into that.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

StantonCraft Network Problems

We recently redid our house network here and I'm still trying to get the NAT / Port Forwarding correct.  It SHOULD be working, but it's not, so I have to figure out why.

Hopefully I'll get that before the week is over.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Minecraft Update - 1.4.7

They've finally pushed 1.4.7 down to clients.  Upgrade at will, Minecraftonians... it does not affect connectivity to the StantonCraft multiplayer server.

Changes are afoot!

Really big changes are going to be coming within the next month to StantonCraft!

We'll let you know more as we get closer, but stay tuned... 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

WorldEdit and WorldGuard Installed

After doing a quick review of some of the existing buildings I've noticed some back-doors that have been installed by an unknown person.  It's strange, because most of the places where people have dug their way into had front doors without protections.

I decided that our creations need a little more protection.

I spent the evening downloading the latest development builds for WorldEdit and WorldGuard that work for 1.4.6.  They have been installed for all worlds on StantonCraft, but the permissions for them have only been given to Admin groups and higher, but I'll be happy to protect any region for a user upon request.  Just send a mail to Zego (/mail send Zego I need a region protected).

So far I've protected the following:
Cactus Outpost
Zego Town
Player Tree
Club S
Beach Resort

Let me know if there are other regions you want protected.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Tekkit Lite!

I've loaded StantonCraft with Tekkit Lite to see how it compares to Tekkit Classic.  It's got more mods, and even a version of ForgeEssentials.

The address is

This is a temporary map... not our former Tekkit map, and not a map related to standard StantonCraft.  Due to the memory needs of Tekkit I have taken down the vanilla StantonCraft for now.  I'll try to get both of them up and running, but it is a memory issue.

Update: I'm taking it down.  I can destroy things and not place blocks.  I think it's a permissions issue but I can't find the command to do the permissions and don't have enough time to check it out right now.  Regular StantonCraft is back online.

Update 2: Back online... it was a permissions thing, but the permissions commands are not the same as in Bukkit Permissions.  I had to modify the files for the server.  It's fixed now.

And whaddya know, both vanilla and Tekkit Lite can run at the same time.  I had a problem with that in the past.  They're both up.