Monday, April 30, 2012

Incoming! Multiverse 2!

I'm loading up a multiverse plugin on the server so that we can have multiple worlds.

We can even have different permissions on different worlds, so if you want a world where you have the power of Admin, then we can do that!

I'm still working out the snags... like the fact that whenever a new world is created it is created with nobody having any permissions at all, so configuring any worlds are manual.

I've created a world called NewWorld just for test.  I'll probably delete it, so don't go crazy there.

You can also get to the Temporary world we used between upgrades before, but the spawn doesn't really put you anywhere close to where we were that I can tell.  I've not explored a whole lot.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Minecraft 1.2.5 - Go ahead and upgrade!

When I first saw that Minecraft 1.2.5 was released today I groaned.  Not again... not again so quickly!

Loyally I go out to the Bukkit site... and what is this?  They have a recommended build for 1.2.5 already!

I changed the server login to use the latest Bukkit Recommended Build and it went immediately to 1.2.5 with the latest recommended build of Bukkit!  Quite amazing when technology actually works.

Feel free to upgrade, knowing that when you do you'll have to repatch Minecraft with MCPatcher if you're using the Misa's texture pack.  Looks to me like MCPatcher 2.3.5 still works with the latest version, so you should already have it downloaded.