Friday, July 27, 2012

New Warp: Archery Range

Zego stood back examining the handiwork of his new wall.  "It's fair, but it needs something.  Aha!  A pine wood beam right across there would be perfect."  Expectantly he turned and looked at the forest behind him.  Tree, tree, tree, birch.  No pine tree.  He set off, deeper into the forest.

He ran through the trees, looking for a pine tree that he could harvest and replant, and almost didn't see that vertical cavern plunging deep into the ground.  No bottom was in sight.  Some black spots on one of the walls hinted at the presence of some precious coal, and he quickly pulled out his pickaxe and set to work.  Zego diligently worked on removing the coal from the cavern wall and wasn't paying any attention to the moaning sounds coming from behind him.  The zombies took advantage of his distraction and gave Zego a firm push, right into the vertical cavern, and then jumped after him.

The ledge was just barely big enough for the three of them, but Zego was able to draw his magical sword and dispatch them in quick strokes with glints and gleams of magic flashing the air, leaving nothing but a pile of zombie flesh upon the ground.  After a brief rest and a snack, Zego set about digging himself off of the wall.

He reached the top of the pit just as the sun was coming over the flat horizon of water in the distance and a gleam caught his eye.  "A roof?  I don't remember a building in this direction!"

Curious, he set out.  The pitched roof soon was quite visible, and as he drew nearer Zego realized the size of the place.  It was huge!  Who built this?  The concrete blocks of the wall were struck through with a vein of obsidian, and supported vertically with barked pine logs.  The roof was made from rough-hewn pine logs as well, but tremendous glass triangles let in the sun to light the interior.

Circling the building Zego let out a slow whistle.  It was built on the shores of a swamp, and the entrance was facing the water on a narrow brick walkway.  He approached the wide welcoming entrance that had no doors and read the sign above it:

To the

This place is really cool.  It's an archery range with raising and lowering targets.  I made a new warp for it called "ArcheryRange".  Maybe it should be named ArchersGuild... but check it out on our server!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


We had a small problem with the server there for a little while, but it's back.  It is 100% back.

We had FIVE people on AT THE SAME TIME tonight!  Woo woo!  Gotta love that.

I'm currently going through a renovation (where's the spell check on this thing) of my chasm.  Look for a massive looking thing growing there over the next couple months.

Remember one of our most major rules on the server is GET ALONG!  We're all human and sometimes humans tend to get a little miffed at each other from time to time but do not let your miffed-ness to make you start to break the rules... like breaking other people's stuff.  This is NOT ALLOWED.  Don't do it.  Even when you are mad.

There is a MAIL command that you can use on the server in order to send me, Zego, important stuff.  It works like this:

/mail send Zego Hi there!  I'm so happy that I can play Minecraft!

Whaaat?  It's that easy?  Yes!

Everything after 'Zego' on that line will be sent to me in a message.  And as soon as I log in I will be told that I have mail waiting, and I'll read it.

I do monitor the logs, so I usually can find out quite a bit about what is going on regarding any disagreements that happen.

Always error on the side of happiness!  If you have creative mode, and someone is missing something, please make it for them.  The restriction on the server of creative mode is not to prevent someone from having a stack of stone, or 4 diamond, but to prevent towers reaching into the sky made of diamond blocks or something else rare enough that you wouldn't be able to make a tower into the sky made out of it no matter how long you mined.

Rare stuff should stay as rare as you find it.  Even though iron is fairly common, a tower into the sky of iron blocks is against the spirit of the rules, too.

Common stuff... like wood, planks, dirt, stone, cobblestone... well, whatever.